Previous symposium
First International Symposium: “Ethics in Knowledge”
Punta de Vacas Park, Argentina, November 13,14 and 15, 2008
For more than seven million years the human species has proceeded tirelessly in its evolution, overcoming the initial primitive makeup that limited its capabilities. Our knowledge and experiences have accumulated in response to our primary human desires: freedom from physical pain and mental suffering.
The human being, as a result of the impressive qualities of its own conscience, has increasingly moved away from determinism, in contrast to other living species that do little more than respond to the stimuli of the natural world. Furthermore our ability to be conscious of our own conscience – that is to be conscious of our own existence – has opened the door for an ethical awakening that has provided meaning to our lives and to the future of humanity.
There can be no justification for an individual or a group of individuals taking ownership of the common destination of human beings for their own personal end(s). Nobody can monopolize accumulated human knowledge for themselves, nor claim possession of the common heritage of mankind. Nothing that has been created by a human being is isolated from the work of those who preceded him, from those who coexist with him now or from those who will follow in the future.
History tells us that violence can not be resolved with further violence, knowing that morally there is never justification for it; we make a plea for reflection, for the development of a widespread mantra of non-violence with the aim of providing one more ethical pathway which will allow us human beings to separate from our former primitive existence.
In our constant search for liberating answers, we believe that diversity as opposed to uniformity, guarantees a higher probability for a solution. Therefore, knowledge must consist of different viewpoints as a prerequisite for collective growth, common direction between cultures and reconciliation, both social and personal.
During the Symposium a charter was launched, akin to the Hippocratic Oath for Medical Professionals, with the hope of it reaching study groups, research sites, schools and universities. This call should resound in the hearts and in the consciousness not only of scholars, but also of all who 'share' this planet. In order that the destructive direction that our complex world has taken today is modified, reflection on the relationship between ethics and knowledge is crucial.
November 11 and 12: Opening of the Symposium at the University of Santiago de Chile and di Mendoza (Argentina).
November 13 to 15: The Symposium continued at Punta de Vacas Park. There were 6 Round tables and 14 Workshops of interchange, with the participation of 62 panelists from 21 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. There were 3 book presentations of the World Center of Humanist Studies, 4 showings of documentaries and 3 Conferences. In addition "The Structural Dynamic Method", with which the Centers carry out their studies worldwide, was presented.
● The vision of Universalistic Humanism
● Ethics in Political Action
● Ethics in Exact and Natural Sciences
● Ethics in Social Sciences
● Ethics in Health and Education
● Ethics, Culture and Spirituality
In a southern region of the world, near the roof of the West, over 500 participants decided to undertake and disseminate widely the following ethical commitment: “I choose and commit myself: To impel the development of knowledge above what is accepted as the absolute truth. I commit myself to apply this knowledge only for the well-being of the human being, in order to overcome pain and suffering”.
Some conferences translated to English:
European Symposium on Non-Violence
Attigliano, Italy, on 24 and 25 April, 2009
The main focus of the Symposium was to highlight the current historical crisis and its key essence: violence in the viewpoints and actions of people and nations, and to propose non-violent solutions for the problem. The first immediate proposal was to support the World March for Peace and Non-violence, which took place during the final trimester of 2009.
We are living through the first world crisis, of which no human being is immune. What is in crisis is not a specific civilization, which might be replaced with another one as has so many times happened in our past, but rather, a way of seeing the world, human beings and relationships, which is currently a view clouded by violence.
The way out of this crisis will therefore come from a new perspective of ourselves, as individuals and as a society, a perspective where non-violent means prevail, in which the human being is an end in itself and no longer a means to an end.
The Centres of Humanist Studies of Europe, through this Symposium, wanted to look at the presence of violence in all fields with the intent of finding suitable answers, further highlighting the only alternative: non-violence.
The Symposium consisted of 13 rapporteurs from 7 different countries, the organization of 3 panels and numerous opportunities for networking and several artistic - cultural events.
Thematical Areas:
● Politics
● Economy
● Culture and Religions
● Disarmament
● Education
● Women and Young people
● Health
Worldwide multicentric symposium, October 29th-31st 2010
The world we knew does not exist anymore; our daily lives have been deeply transformed. A new way of being is beginning to take shape for Humanity: the first planetary human civilization. How will it be? How do we want it to be?
Throughout human history, countless civilizations have risen, reached their peak, and declined. Current civilizations, while resisting decline, are nonetheless showing signs of fatigue. At the same time, technological advances allow us to glimpse the world to come, the future that is already on our doorstep.
But, how will this world be?
Will it be a mere mechanical projection of our current civilizations?
Will it be a global “free market” in which a few people enjoy economic gains at the expense of the great suffering majorities?
Will it be an apocalyptic videogame or a World War fought with sticks and stones as Einstein predicted?
Will it be a kind of Disneyland where human beings lose the meaning of their existence?
None of these projected scenarios will come true. Humanity finds itself at an historical crossroads where old paradigms no longer provide answers and are no longer of use for orienting one’s actions. Humanity is looking for a new paradigm that will fulfil its aspirations for a new destiny, one that cannot be patched together or rescued from the wreckage of a violent system.
At the World Centre of Humanist Studies, we believe that this new world will be as we build it, and that it is in our hands, and in those of all human beings on this planet. The evidence of this new civilization will be our highest human values in action: solving conflicts through nonviolent means; the absence of discrimination due to physical, economic, or cultural causes; the absence of physical, economical, racial, religious, and gender-based violence; freedom of thought and beliefs; a way of thinking that takes into account interpersonal and intercultural relationships and historical processes; an ecosystem that will be useful for life in general and not only for the uncontrolled consumption of a minority; a spirituality based on a deep experience of the humane. In short, a civilization that places the human being as the highest value.
This new world will not be just a blueprint on paper, but a reality constructed by human intentions and actions. But in order for these intentions to stay on track, we must begin to study this new world, to imagine it, to dream it, and then to start laying the groundwork to make it a reality.
Assuming the spirit of those humanist times and their greatest achievements, the Second World Symposium proposes a dialogue, neither abstract nor institutional, that will seek an agreement on fundamental points, which are: the opening of new paths for research, communication, and collaboration, the building of new bridges among “people of good will” - representatives from different cultures, beliefs, and ideologies - in order to raise the pillars of a new planetary civilization.
Now is the moment to choose and to create, to put our best aspirations and energies to work to build the civilization that we have for so long deeply desired and yearned for: the Universal Human Nation.
Symposium website:
Third International Symposium: "A New Humanism for a New Civilization"
The development of civilizations throughout history has not been a linear process, but rather new civilizations have emerged as the preceding ones deteriorated. The study of the historical process tells us that humanity today finds itself at one of those crossroads of history.
The deeply human and social crisis confronting today’s world and emerging in all areas, necessarily demands that we stop and think about how we wish to move forward.
The world has changed and continues to do so at a dizzily fast pace. Many beliefs, values and ideologies developed at an earlier time are no longer capable of responding to current problems much less provide solutions that can open up new horizons for the future. We do not believe that this situation must necessarily be seen as catastrophic, but rather it may serve to recognise this historic moment as the end of an epoch and a culture. The crisis is creating the necessary vacuum for the birth of something new.
This crisis offers us the opportunity to take a leap forward in the history of human evolution. We are beginning to feel a profound change, and a new global sensitivity is appearing amongst the contemporary turbulence. It is looking to the future with conscious optimism, carrying with it a whole conception of the human being, and therefore of society and progress.
However, this new civilization will not arise automatically but it will need a creative and intentional choice to build their new foundations.
The acknowledgment of the human being as central value and concern, the recognition of the equality of all human beings, respect for personal and cultural diversity, the affirmation of the freedom of ideas and beliefs, the development of knowledge beyond what is accepted as the absolute truth and the rejection of violence in all its form, are certainly the key points around which this new sensibility can gather as part of a new civilization: the first planetary civilization in history.
This New Humanism, continuation of the best creative aspirations that preceded us, does not belong to any culture and it cannot become crystallized in any historical moment. Humanism is present in all cultures under different names and forms. It flows towards renewed meanings just as the human species travels its dynamic journey from determinism to freedom.
This New Humanism, by definition pluralistic and inclusive, does not intend a uniform world or a single way of thinking, but the convergence, dialogue and joint action of all those who identify with this new sensibility.
Affirming the need for a New Humanism also entails affirming the search for a transcendental Meaning that justifies human existence beyond the provisional quality of our transit. A Meaning found in the depths of every human being which, when glimpsed, translates itself into a way of seeing and feeling that leads to valid actions in the interpersonal and social world.
Those of us who are part of the World Centre of Humanist Studies believe that the new world will be as we build it, and in this spirit we invite everyone to participate in the Third World Symposium "A New Humanism for a New Civilization."
Symposium website: